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What Are the Risks Associated with Customs?


When you place an order for products on JoyaBuy, the system will generate a risk alert for your items during the order and verification process. Once the goods are shipped to our warehouse, we will suggest a low-risk shipping route based on the product characteristics and previous transportation experience.

Please note that some goods may come with inherent customs risks, such as the possibility of returned packages, fines, taxes, etc. The recipient will be responsible for these risks. Thank you for your understanding.


When purchasing products on JoyaBuy, please refer to the Tariff Threshold Reference and transportation history for reasonable declaration. Normally, the System Declaration will be automatically selected when submitting your parcel.

Be aware that the likelihood of tariffs being imposed depends on the frequency of customs inspections and may be impacted by customs policies. For more information, see the Tariff Threshold Reference. You will be responsible for any customs-related risks, such as returned packages, fines, taxes, etc.

Additionally, if your product is heavy or of high value, it may increase the chance of random inspection by customs. It is advised to avoid situations where the parcel is excessively heavy or contains a large quantity of similar products.