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Help Center

What Is the Shopping Agent Service?

A Shopping Agent is essentially someone who helps you purchase goods you desire. This service is particularly useful if you cannot buy certain products abroad or if the prices abroad are higher than those in China. Many people use shopping agents to buy goods from China and have them shipped internationally.

Benefits of Using JoyaBuy Shopping Agents

  1. Vast Selection: Enjoy an extensive range of Chinese goods available for online purchase.
  2. Flexible Payment Options: Pay in various currencies, including dollars and euros.
  3. Fast Delivery: Receive your overseas purchases within as little as 7 working days.
  4. Comprehensive Return Policy: Benefit from a solid return policy for damaged goods.
  5. Professional Customer Service: Access assistance from JoyaBuy’s customer service team, who can address any issues you encounter while shopping in mainland China.

When Should You Choose Shopping Agent Services?

  1. Preference for Chinese Products: If you are accustomed to using Chinese products or services, or have a preference for a specific brand, but are unable to purchase them abroad, you can entrust us to make the purchase for you.
  2. Specialized Items: If you need professional data, books (especially Chinese versions), or equipment that are unavailable abroad, such as specialized books or software for universities or research institutions, the only purchasing channel may be through Chinese e-commerce websites.
  3. New Arrivals/Fashion: If you’re interested in the latest fashion trends, elegant clothing, popular music, or star posters available in mainland China.
  4. Price Advantages: Due to lower labor and production costs in mainland China, many goods are priced more affordably. JoyaBuy also offers a unique shopping model designed to help customers save money.
  5. Appropriate Clothing Sizes: Foreign clothing sizes are often larger and may not fit well for those of East Asian descent. Fortunately, you can find the right style and size of clothing you want from mainland China.
  6. Auction Purchases: You can entrust us to purchase auction items from Chinese e-commerce websites, such as those found on Taobao.